29th Council Meeting (Online)


29th Council Meeting (Online)

29th Council Meeting (Online)

UNIW 29th Council Meeting was held online with the participation of nearly 20 members from different countries. This meeting, which was held during the pandemic period, was also recorded as the second online council meeting.

The meeting started with the recitation of the Holy Quran. After reading the opening speech and meeting agenda, Secretary General Atty. Ali Kurt shared information about the action plan of the 28th Council Meeting and the developments after the 28th Council Meeting. He gave information about the 4th International NGO Fair and the International African Congress, which we will perform online later. Referring to the disruptions experienced in fairs and collective organizations due to the pandemic process, Kurt said, “It does not seem possible to hold a fair physically in this period. However, we have started to work on holding our fair online. We will experience the fair atmosphere online with the system that will operate interactively over a website. Our participants will be able to exhibit materials such as promotional brochures and corporate videos in their own separate stands.

The meeting continued with KAGE Co-Chair Dr Rabiye Yılmaz making a short presentation on the latest activities of the International Family Institute (IFI). Yılmaz conveyed the details of the meeting held with academics within the scope of IFI studies, in which subjects such as “evaluation of the sub-texts of the Family Agreement”, “Istanbul Convention and international family agreements to which our country is a party” were discussed. She added that they will concentrate on this area by making the International Family Agreement more functional.

Later, UNIW Asia, Europe and America Desk Officer Umer Farooq informed about International Civil Society Academy (USTA), Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai explained Kashmir issue and the 2nd International Kashmir Conference, which we will hold online and finally our Humanitarian Aid Platform (HAP) President Hakan Musab Aydın also gave information about the latest developments regarding the HAP.

Finally, Young UNIW General Coordinator Abdulfettah İsmail Şenbaş made a short presentation on the latest activities of Young UNIW and the 15. International Youth Meeting: The Digital World After Covid-19. He also gave information about the “Online Ramadan” program held during the pandemic period.

After the presentations, the participants shared their opinions. All of the participants expressed their satisfaction with the meetings and activities held by the UNIW during the pandemic period. In addition, it was decided to hold the next meetings on 1-2 main topics in order to focus on the subjects in more detail.

The meeting ended with the Secretary General thanking all the participants and a wishes.