Strategy and Literature Development Desk Meeting


Strategy and Literature Development Desk Meeting

Strategy and Literature Development Desk Meeting

Within the framework of meetings with the International Family Institute (UAE) desks, the online meeting of the Strategy and Literature Development Desk chaired by Prof Khadija Mufid was held with the participation of desk members, heads of other desks and experts.

The meeting started with the opening speech of UNIW Secretary General, Atty. Ali Kurt, and giving information about the two previous table meetings. Evaluating briefly the developments in the Islamic geography, Kurt said, “Previously, we held the International Agreements and Public Policies and Family Fiqh Desk meeting, and then the International Relations Desk, chaired by Aicha Bel Hadjar. Next Friday, November 13, we will hold the meeting of the Field Research and Inventory desk and the Press, Publication and Publicity desks.” said. Later, he gave detailed information about the UNIW’s work and left the floor to KAGE Co-Chair Dr Rabiye Yılmaz for a brief greeting.

Dr Rabiye Yılmaz said, “We looked forward to meeting you again after our last meeting. On this occasion, I would like to convey to you the work on the IFI axis that has been carried out since our last meeting. Ms. Funda had a very beautiful and important work within the scope of the family. We introduced this work together at a nice meeting.

The promotional program was held with the participation of Ms. Emine Erdogan, the wife of our President, and Ms. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services. At this event, we had the opportunity to talk about our own projects and the International Family Convention. We presented our International Family Agreements and International Family Institute workbooks that we prepared to them. It was a very productive meeting. Ms. Funda’swork is comprehensive and can be a concrete example for us as a methodology that primarily concerns our country. Hopefully it will be translated into English and Arabic as soon as possible. We can put this into practice as a similar study.” and left the floor to Prof Khadija Mufid.

In her speech, Khadija Mufid said, “My presentation is inspired by the main and strategic goals set by the International Family Institute. Since the UNIW is an umbrella organization that covers almost the entire Islamic world and includes Islamic organizations in non-Muslim countries, I tried to define the strategic foundations on which the International Family Institute should establish institutions with a common vision and on which their functioning programs should be built. The family issue is a special issue for some Islamic researchers. Therefore, when researchers try to develop strategies and innovative ideas to build Islamic society, they usually focus on the family, which is one of the main components of mental thinking, politics and economy, and in this way they see the family as a special area. Our importation of family legislation and visions from non-Islamic systems caused our legal loss and disintegration. I will present my proposal based on eight strategic axes regarding the family, because all plans to destroy the Islamic community begin and end with the family.”

Checking the definition of family from an Islamic perspective

Strengthening the regional and international family network

Setting the framework of knowledge and scientific standards for the completion of strategic reports and to control monitoring of the family in the Islamic world.

Identifying the stages that control identity and development in accordance with the Islamic values of decision makers

Preparing an international advocacy team on the family in the Islamic world

Producing ideas that serve the family within the framework of a unified perception and an integrative approach

Organizing training programs for Islamic civil society leaders active in the family field

Creating an Islamic public opinion about the family by increasing communication and interaction

The meeting ended after the detailed presentation of Khadija Mufid and the discussions of the participants.