The Coordination Conference among Civil Society Organizations about the Yemen – Turkey Relations


The Coordination Conference among Civil Society Organizations about the Yemen – Turkey Relations

The Coordination Conference among Civil Society Organizations about the Yemen – Turkey Relations

In city of Istanbul, the business coordination conference took place between civil society organizations about the Yemeni Turkish relations, organized by the World Organization for Relief and Development and the Union of NGOs of the Islamic world, in the presence of representatives from Turkish organizations and delegations from Arab and European countries.

In his welcoming speech, Dr. Hameed Hussein Ziad head of the World Organization for Relief and Development spoke about the importance of holding such a conference in extremely difficult circumstances taking place in many parts of the Muslim world as a result of wars and conflicts, pointing to the difficult humanitarian situation taking place in Yemen, stressing that it should be the promotion of human responsibilities everywhere in the world regardless of religion, sex, race and country. 

Dr. Ziad emhasized role of Turkish organizations in the relief and support of the oppressed and displaced persons in the region, expressing his thanks to the Government and people of Turkey and Chairman of humanity to their attitudes toward the noble Yemeni people. Dr. Ziad thanked those who had fulfilled its undertaking to the humanitarian needs in Yemen during the World Conference for the relief of the Yemeni people, convened by the World Organization for Relief and Development earlier in Istanbul, both in terms of seasonal activities or permanent activities, first and foremost, wells and campaigns drinking water, food baskets, provide photovoltaic panels, projects, caring for orphans humanitarian, educational and educationally, socially and developmentally.

For his part, Dr. Ali Kurt President of the Federation of NGOs in the Muslim world, praising the noble efforts of the World Organization for Relief and Development, which took it upon themselves to help victims around the world, and in particular its efforts towards the Yemeni people. Mr. Kurt, of the Yemeni-Turkish relations, stressing that Turkey was and will remain alongside the oppressed all over the world, pointing to the attention of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan personally in this matter. He said that during the last year after the World Conference, relief flowed into -through many of the donations for Yemen and sent a Turkish Red Crescent Society relief ship to this brotherly country. He said that there are millions of guests -we do not call them refugees, but the guests, no matter what we faced the challenges and tribulations will continue to support our brothers and sisters. 

For his part, Aziz Sahin, head of Turkish-German Businessmen Union welcomed the heads of Islamic organizations in the Islamic world, referring to meetings held Muslim communities in Europe to find common activities there, aim to work on anti-phobia against Islam in Europe and correct outlook towards Muslims, showing some irrationalities caused by some of the practices of terrorist organizations is nothing to do with Islam.

Dr. Abdulaziz Subaie head of the World Organization for the Protection of the Child, based in Brussels, spoke about international standards and humanitarian relief work, and called for the creation of a global communication and humanitarian relief work platform, calling King Salman Center to support this project, which would contribute in the fight against extremist ideas and terrorist organizations.

Participants at the conference also heard a presentation on relief and humanitarian needs in Yemen. The conference ended after the completion of discussions among NGO representatives.