UNIW NGO Meeting in Pakistan


UNIW NGO Meeting in Pakistan

UNIW NGO Meeting in Pakistan

UNIW Committee made intensive and effective visits to Pakistan’s Lahor and Islamabad cities.


On the first day of the visit, UNIW Committee and their member and future member NGOs came together at Alkhidmat Foundation in Lahore. In the program, relations of Pakistan and Turkey, cooperation fields between NGOs were evaluated. In their speeches Alkhidmat President Abdus Shakoor and UNIW Secretary General Att. Ali Kurt emphasized the importance of acting in unity. Important NGOs and institutions such as Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD), Muslim Aid Pakistan (MAP), Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), Qatar Charity Pakistan, UKIM Trust Pakistan, Akhuwat, Help In Need, Ghazali Education Trust, Foundation of the Faithful Pakistan (FOF), Japan Embassy Islamabad, Read Foundation, AFAQ, Khubaib Foundation, Masajid & Madaris Foundation, PRIME Foundation, Islamic Relief Pakistan, Human Appeal, PIMA Relief, Anjuman Faiz-ul-Islam, Naymet Trust, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, POB Trust, Alfalah Scholarship Scheme (AFSS), Pakistan Overseas Academy, Dukhtaran-e-Millat Academy, Al Islah Center, Character Education Foundation, Muslim Charity, Relief Organization for Kashmiri Muslims, Baithak School Network, Parwarish Organization, Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation, North American Muslim Foundation Pakistan, The NGO World, Federal Board of Revenue Government of Pakistan, Qarshi Foundation, RAHMA Islamic Relief and KARWAN-e-ILM Foundation participated to program.

The presidents of youth organizations of the participating NGOs, the Alkhidmat Foundation and the representatives of the Islamic Youth branches of Pakistan and university students from various universities discussed the preliminary preparations of the 14th International Youth Gathering.

After the NGO meeting, the delegation visited the Ghazali Foundation and received information on its activities and consultations on projects and experience sharing at the meeting.

Later on, the delegation met with Mrs. Samia Raheel Qazi from the World Muslim Women’s Association and a discussion was took place about the work of the International Family Institute.

At the end of the day, Pakistan Jamaat-i Islami’s Center in Lahor was visited. Talks were took place with the leading names of the organization and with President-Senator Siraj UI Haq.

On the second day of the visit, the UNIW delegation met with the former administrators of the Jamaat-i Islami at breakfast.

After the breakfast, a visit had made to the Customs Health Care Society (CHCS). In the meeting, CHCS President Dr. Asif Mahmood Jah stressed the importance of getting together around joint projects in unity. Journalist Orya Maqbool Jan, who took a word and said that “Turkey is number one in the world in the files of humanitarian aid and Turkey became a model country in leading position among Islamic world countries”.

Later, the delegation met with Pakistani media members at the Lahore Hospitality Inn Hotel.

In his speech, our Secretary General said that the Islamic world is in need of unity and solidarity than ever before in its history and that none of the problems that we have is unsolvable.

On the third day of the visit, the UNIW delegation held a meeting with the Pakistan coordinator of TIKA in Islamabad. Then, he attended the graduation ceremony of 60 young people by visiting the Masajid & Madaris Foundation who finished their memorizations of the Holy Qur’an. At the ceremony, Dr. Halit Mesur gave a speech about Kashmir’s situation.

In the continuation of the program, Rahma center was visited and President Muhammad Saghir Qamar and Program Director Zulqarnain Ansari gave information about their activities.

On the same day, our secretary presented a report on Kashmir issue to Kashmir’s President of the Republic Mr. Sardar Masood Khan, in order to end the persecution in Kashmir, what could be done was consulted.

Later, the delegation attended a dinner which is organized by Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood. 200 deputies and senators were attended to dinner. There has been a lot of contact with many councilors and parliamentarians.

On the fourth day of the visit, the UNIW delegation visited the Talha Mahmood Foundation and received information about its activities. Then T.C Embassy of Islamabad was visited and a meeting was held with Turkish Ambassador Ihsan Mustafa Yurdakul.

Then a consultation meeting was held with some senators on Kashmir Conference. The program ended with a dinner which was given in the honor of deputies, senators, ministers, prime minister of Pakistan and President of Pakistan.