UNIW Sudan – Somali Visit


UNIW Sudan – Somali Visit

UNIW Sudan – Somali Visit

In the pre-planned plan for internal and external visits of the NGO Union in the Islamic World, Mr. Assayyab Alhassan, Middle East and Africa Relations Coordinator, conducted field visits to organizations operating in Sudan and Somalia between 18.02.2018 and 08.03.2018 in the framework of the visit to Sudan And Somalia. To achieve the goal of discussing issues of concern to the Muslim world, official institutions, NGOs and important figures were visited.

Not only was the visit of the member organizations, but Alhassan was keen to visit the non-members and to view the activities and activities carried out by the Union. The visits achieved the desired goals and this was reflected in the keenness of the organizations visited to strengthen their relations with the Union and interact more with its activities.

This is a list of some official and civil organizations visited:

Women’s Union of Sudan,
Islamic Forum Organization,
Al-Ishraq Organization,
Muhaira Organization,
Al-Zubair Charitable Organization,
Maarij Organization for Peace and Development,
Al-Dawah Islamic Organization,
Sanad Foundation,
Sahira Foundation,
Tamkin Organization,
Sadaqa Association,
Naeem Association,
Harkan Association,
Al-Noor Association,
Al Hayat Foundation,
Islamic Welfare Foundation,
Al-Mesbah Association for Development,
Maarif Foundation – Somalia,
Institute of Health Sciences-Yunus Emre Institute / Somalia,
Turkish Embassy in Mogadishu,
Sudanese Embassy in Mogadishu,
Al-Dawah Islamic Organization – East Africa Office.