UNIW Visit to Pakistan


UNIW Visit to Pakistan

UNIW Visit to Pakistan


We started our Pakistan visit program from Lahore, we visited the head office of our member organization Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan. Senior Vice President Syed Ihsan Ullah Waqas, Secretary General Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Mangat, Assistant Secretary General Ahmad Jamil Rashid and Executive Director of Alkhidmat Foundaion welcomed warmly UNIW delegation in their head office. Alkhidmat Foundation management expressed their pleasure and gladness to see UNIW delegation in Pakistan. Secretary General Mushtaq Ahmed Mangat said that Pakistan is the second homeland of Turks. Turks ruled Indo-Pak region for about 1000 years so that’s why we have a historical relation. Relations between countries are improving now. There was relation between countries in past, but now relations became more important between people, companies and NGOs.

UNIW Secretary General Atty. Ali Kurt thanked the Alkhidmat Foundation management for their warm welcome. He told that we had problems in our management and services in the past but now Turkey has a stable economy because of political stability. Ali Kurt pointed out that Pakistan is the only nuclear power among Muslim countries which has importance of balance in this region. Our Secretary General underlined that as Muslims we have to improve relations among us to work hard. Our visit is also for this purpose. We came here to inform you our activities. We want more more contribution to these activities from Pakistan. 

The next stop of UNIW delegation was head office of Jamaat e Islami Pakistan Mansoorah, Lahore. UNIW delegation got a chance to meet with leaders of Jamaat e Islami Pakistan. Vice Presidents of Jamaat Mian Muhammad Aslam, Asadullah Bhutto, Hafiz Muhammad Idrees and Head of Foreign Affairs Abdul Ghaffar Aziz was present in the meeting. Former member of parliament vice president of Jamaat e Islami Dr. Farid Ahmed Paracha welcomed on behalf of Jamaat leadership. He said that Pakistan is yours own country. We welcome you to Pakistan. We are happy to host our Turkish brothers. He congratulated for succesful referendum which held on last Sunday in Turkey. He also mentioned that Turkey has a leader role for Islamic world. He also warned about enemies of Turkey those are increasing day by day.

Next stop was home of Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi. She has a lot of work regarding family. She has written books about women and family. She is also a member of High Advisory Board of International Family Institute. Our Secretary General congratulated her for electing the president of International Muslim Women Union. Dr. Rabiye Yılmaz also nominated same day as country representative of Turkey.


NGOs Meeting

We came together with our members NGOs and other NGOs from Pakistan. We evaluated the cooperation between Pakistan and Turkey and discussed how we can develop this cooperation in different areas. 

Our Secretary general Atty. Ali Kurt said that i fully agree with your requests regarding the necessity of coopeartion. We are glad to be here, we fell ourselves like at our home. We brought greetings for you from Turkey. Our enemies are always united like UK, EU, USA, but they want us ununited. Islamic world is disheveled like grosary beads. Pakistan and Turkey are not two countries, they are 11. As Pakistanies you have so much works for Islam in the world and we are happy to see it. We have to introduce each other. We have three big enemies ignorance, poverty and enmity. But the only important weapon against them is education. If we want to save our future then we have to look after our youth.

You can find the list of NGOs those participated to our meeting.

  • Humanitarian Assistance Society (HAS)

  • Khubaib Foundation

  • Help In Need (HIN)

  • Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan

  • Masajid & Madaris Foundation

  • PRIME Foundation

  • Relief Organization for Kashmiri Muslims

  • Pray Foundation

  • Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD)

  • READ Foundation

  • AFAQ

  • RAHMA Islamic Relief (Pakistan)

  • Islamic Relief

  • UKIM Pakistan

  • Human Appeal

  • FOF Pakistan

  • Muslim Aid Pakistan (MAP)

  • Qatar Charity (QC)

  • PIMA Relief

  • Anjuman Faiz-ul-Islam

  • Sirat ul Jannah

  • Foundation House

  • Alfalah Scholarship Scheme

  • Karwane Ilm Foundation

  • Akhuwat

  • Parwarish

  • Baithak School Network

  • Hope Foundation

  • Character Building Foundation

  • Human Help

  • Customs Health Care Society

  • Charity Australia International

UNIW delegation also visited member NGO offices and some other import NGOs offices in Islamabad. Among these NGOs were Read Foundation, Helping Hand Relief and Development Foundation, Help In Need, Schunaizia, Insaf.

UNIW delegation also visited Turkish Ambassador Mr Babur Girgin in Islamabad and participated to Dinner reception by Senators and member of parliaments Pakistan. We finished our visit program with participation to a panel organized by our member Masajid & Madaris foundation Pakistan. President of Azad & Jammu Kashmir Sardar Masood Khan also participated to this panel.