6 قارات 67 دولة امة واحدة
جمعية الساهرة للإغاثة والتنمية
Short Introduction
Watchful Association for Relief and Development is a non-profit charity in Somalia. It was established in November 2006 in Mogadishu to make development projects by targeting the poorest Hiran and Shabelle regions due to the extreme hunger in Somalia due to civil wars and famine.
Abdirahman Mohamed
معلومات المؤسسة
رقم العضوية: 249
تاريخ و مكان العضوية: 21 February 2014, Yemen (16th Council)
تاريخ و مكان التأسيس: 2006, Somali
مجال العمل: Education and Culture, Law and Human Rights, Health, Humanitarian Aid
البلد: Somalia
الرئيس: Abdirahman Mohamed