
23rd Council Meeting
23rd Council Meeting of UNIW was held on 28 April 2018 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The program started with Quran chant. Following the monitoring of the newly prepared UNIW introduction film, Secretary General Ali Kurt gave a general assessment of the activities that are carried out since the previous council meeting and gave information about the recent works.
In order to meet the newly elected members of the Council meeting, all participants introduced themselves and their institutions.
In the first session, 2nd International NGO Fair was evaluated. Consultations were held about Kashmir Conference and 3rd International NGO fair. The last status of the Sokullu Complex and the activites of the International Family Institute were discussed.
In the second session, the African congress and International Civil Society Academy (ICSA) projects were discussed. The Arakan Consultation Meeting held under the UNIW Humanitarian Platform and the latest information about the International Rohingya Consortium were shared. Young UNIW President Serdar Bayram made a presentation and gave information about the ‘Sessizliğin Sesi ol’ (Be the Voice of Silence) projects.
It was decided that the next council meeting is going to be held in Cologne, Germany by Wefa. 11 Non Governmental Organizations applications for new membership to UNIW were approved by the 23rd Council concertation. New members are; Al – Vefa Relief and Development Association, Umut Education Foundation, Life Path Development, Charity – Education and Culture Association, International Relief Association ( IRA), Ethiopian Huda Cooperation and Development Association, Federation of Orphans Protection, Dawn Association, Rowad Social Development Asssociation, Alfalah Charity Society, New Yemen Media ASSOCİATİON, Ihsan Charity Society. Also, the membership of the 11 institutions that have reached or requested to quit the was terminated by council.
After the discussion of the administrative issues, the 23rd meeting ended with Quran chant.