Each and every NGO on the condition of having application qualities for membership may apply for membership in writing by the agency of its representative to the UNIW after rendering such a decision through the competent organs thereof. In the decision of the competent organ, the full name of the representative to the UNIW shall be expressly mentioned.
Application for the membership shall be submitted to the Council through a fully filled-out Application Form comprising the organization’s application decision and references of two current member organizations of the UNIW appended.
Procedures pertaining to membership applications will be followed by the secretariat to be submitted at the next first Council Meeting.
The Council shall examine the membership application of NGOs in terms of qualities that give it eligibility for membership.
The application: after being found eligible by the Council, all members shall be informed of this status along with the agenda of the meeting at least 15 days prior to the General Assembly meeting in which membership applications are to be put to vote.
Membership Acceptance
Adoption of Islamic Culture and adherence to the purposes of the UNIW,
Having not been involved in in any form of violent activity,
Having the characteristics of a non-profit organization,
Not receiving directives from any external authority,
Having legal entity under the law of the relevant country,
Having been established for at least 1 year prior to application for membership,
Not being a political party or a subsidiary organisation of a political party,
Any NGOs that obtain a reference from two member organizations may apply for membership of the UNIW.
Required Documents For Membership
Application form for UNIW Membership (Must be filled out online)
Resolution taken by the Board of Directors of your Organization for becoming a member in the UNIW and Appointing one representative for the UNIW. The resolution must be written in decision book of your organization and signed by all Board Members with their names.
By the legal person’s current authorized signatory / signatories to be written “I have read, I understood, I agree” at the last page of the UNIW statute and to be sent to UNIW with other documents.
Statute of Your Organization signed the representative assigned (each page must be signed and the last page signed and sealed with date).
Reference Letters from two UNIW Member Organizations. (Please refer to the members page on our website)
Activity Report of your Organization
Formal Certificate of Enrollment by the State
Logo of your organization (vectorial and jpeg)
First Year Membership Fee (Can be paid cash or through bank)
Note: Please note that the membership fee is USD 1200 per each year and you are required to pay the first year fee in advance for your application to be taken into evaluation in the next council meeting of the UNIW.
Membership Application
Please fill out the documents and send to idsb-membership@idsb.org
Membership Application Documents