UNIW Visit to Lebanon


UNIW Visit to Lebanon

UNIW Visit to Lebanon

A delegation under the presidency of UNIW Secretary General Atty. Ali Kurt visited Lebanon and came together in Beirut Ramada Hotel with it’s NGO members from Lebanon. NGO representatives expressed their opinions and suggestions in “Awareness and Solidarity Meeting”.

In the Meeting, NGOs representatives showed their satisfaction with the visit of UNIW delegation to Lebanon and emphasized such visits to different regions periodical.  Firstly, Shuur and Teselli Foundation President and the same time UNIW council member Mr. Imad Said gave a thankful speech to participant NGO representatives. UNIW has 25 members from Lebanon, So Mr Imad Said sair that we have to increase this number and have to improve cooperation between existing members. He also stated that UNIW is very important umbrella organization for unity and cooperation among Muslims.

NGO representatives also shared their opinions during the meeting. You can find name of participants and their organizations below.

  1. Imad Said (Jamiatul Wa’yi ve’l Muvasi)
  2. Ziyad el Hajjar (President of Northern Lebanese Municipalities Union)
  3. Zuheyir Kubbi (Genereal Manager of Sunduk ez Zekat Lebanon)
  4. Prof. Dr. Halit Mikati (Tarablus Islah Foundation)
  5. Hasan Qatarji (President of Jamiatul İttihad e İslami)
  6. Ahmet Muhammet (Jamiatul Tekaful li Ri’ayeti’t Tuful)
  7. Afif Hents (Jamiatul Ghiras li Tenmiyeti’l Mujtema)
  8. Lu’ey Eyub (Jamiatul Emel li Ri’ayeti’l-Ijtimaie)
  9. Ahmet Kayid (Jamiatul-Gawsu’l-İnsani li’t-Tenmiyeh)
  10. Re’fat Havala (Beytu’z Zekat vel Hayrat)
  11. Ali Halaf (Jamiatul İnsaniye lil-İgasa ve’l-Tenmiyeh)
  12. Ghassan Şihata (General Manager of Jamiatul Ijtimaiye)
  13. Ali Kurt (UNIW Secretary General)