International Civil Society Academy
International Civil Society Academy
The Objective of the Project
The aim of the project is to ensure that every individual working voluntarily or professionally for Muslim non-governmental organizations are provided with training by NGO specialists in such topics as:
The Rules of Governance in Non-Profit Organizations, Consultation and Consultation Mechanisms, Types of Non-Profit Organizations and their Legal Frameworks, NGO Structuring in the Islamic World, Business Accounting and Reading Financial Tables, Creating Corporate Memory, Filing and Archive Management, Media Relations and Media Management for the improvement of their competencies and productivity;
To contribute to the corporate capacities of Muslim non-governmental organizations;
To provide trainings at the International Civil Society Academy by identifying specialists from Turkey and abroad.
The Reason of the Project
In all the countries of the world, particularly the countries of the Islamic World, which are mostly the remainders of the Ottoman Empire and form a civilization of donation, Muslim individuals and groups found various non-governmental organizations and provide services to the society. Besides the financial problems they have, many non-governmental organizations need qualified human resources.
While non-governmental organizations may need to employ people who do not have any professional experience, it is an obvious fact that all of the people they employ must be trained in general and special subjects. Because, that is the case in both governmental and private organizations. It is a known fact that such in-service trainings are not very common at non-governmental organizations.
When the social, political, economical and cultural position of the society and especially the Islamic World is taken into consideration, it is understood that non-governmental organizations can provide sustainable and high-quality works that influence the society only with qualified human resources. If this transformation cannot be carried out in the human resources of non-governmental organizations, it is highly probable that many non-governmental enterprises initiated enthusiastically will not be able to deliver the desired success for this reason.
From this point of view, in order for non-governmental organizations to compete with and event exceed governmental and private organizations, the employees, managers and personnels of non-governmental organizations need to receive a set of trainings that possesses the vision of the Islamic World, and contains modern theoretical and practical disciplines.
The managers and employees of non-governmental organizations need to switch from their national vision to regional and global vision, the vision of the Islamic World. Experience in Turkey is quite important for this. Therefore, coming Turkey to see and observe the structures of the institutions and organizations here on-site will contribute significantly to these people.
The Goals of the Project
Short-term Goals:
- To contribute to the capacities and development of 302 Muslim non-governmental organization members of İDSB( The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World) from 61 countries,
- To contribute to the corporate levels of non-governmental organizations,
- To enlighten trainees about the importance of non-governmental organizations and their roles in the world, explain the position of umbrella organizations in the in the system, promote international organizations and provide information about their targets and functioning,
- To explain the importance of being a donator in our religion, and present our civilization of donation,
- To introduce good practice models for overcoming the problems that arise regarding the corporation of non-governmental organizations in the Islamic World,
- To establish a platform where managers and academicians who have international experiences in terms of NGOs can share their knowledge,
- To raise awareness and build consensus between trainees to attend trainings from different countries within the frame of common values and goals,
Long-term Goals:
- To create a quality standard in the corporate structures of Muslim non-governmental organizations,
- To ensure sustainable communication and experience sharing between NGOs,
- To increase the capacity of Muslim non-governmental organizations to take initiatives and organize events at national and international levels,
Target Audience
- 302 non-governmental organization members of İDSB from 61 countries,
- Sister organizations of İDSB around the world.
Activities And Outputs
- The project will service the following purposes:
- To provide trainings on the functioning and corporate structures of the non-governmental organizations in Turkey,
- To organize conferences and seminars, publish periodicals, and carry out research and training activities,
- To provide these trainings to exclusive committees as well as to groups that include individuals who make applications online or in person,
- To find specialists from Turkey and abroad to provide trainings in the programmes to be planned,
- To plan the trainings to be provided to attendees in Turkish, English and Arabic languages;
- To create an inventory of the books and researches published in the world regarding civil societies, and establish a library containing such publications,
- To build a web site for the International Civil Society Academy,
- To communicate with entities that work to reinforce the structure of civil society both in our country and abroad, and establish cooperation with them,
- To publish an academic journal at 4-month intervals,
- To organize national and regional meetings between the participants,
- To increase the experience of trainees by carrying out model studies in different fields of the civil society, and visiting non-governmental organizations,
- To provide the trainees with the prepared training programmes, and award certificates to those who succeed.