Abdullah bin Abbas Foundation for Charity

Member List

Abdullah bin Abbas Foundation for Charity

Abdullah bin Abbas Foundation for Charity

Short Introduction
Abdullah bin Abbas Foundation for Charity was established in 2014 by experts and diplomats. It carries out activities to combat the economic and social problems in the country.


Dr. Şeyh Halit Sena


Soulaitine Association for Charitable Activities, Ivory Coast, Munazzametü’l Faruk, Mali

Member Information

Member ID: 411

Date and Place of Membership: 30 July 2019, Albania (26. Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 2014, Burkina Faso

Area of Activity: Humane Aid

Country: Burkina Faso

President: Dr. Şeyh Halit Sena

Genel Bilgiler

Burkina Faso

+226 702 903 19

