Member List
Ahiskalilar Foundation

Short Introduction
The foundation was established with the aim of seeking the humanitarian and legal rights of Ahıskan in line with the proposal of the Meskhetian Turks Federation President Maksut İzzet Bey on the occasion of the Meskhetian Turks meeting held on 5 June 1997 in Istanbul. Mr.Mehmet Oğuz, a civil engineer and journalist, was brought to the Presidency. The Foundation aıms to embrace all Meskhetian people globally, seek remedies for their troubles, as well as provıdıng great material and spiritual support altogether. Sınce ıts establishment, Ahıskalılar Foundation has provıded varıous social and cultural services along wıth material and spiritual aid for the needy Meskhetian people.
- Welfare and education
- Cultural and spırıtual
Mehmet Oğuz
He was born in 1954 in Ardahan. After completing civil engineering in Aachen(Germany), he did his Master of Business there too. He has worked in associations and societies during his student years in various cities of Germany. He began his career in Germany and was the founding director of the Turkiye Newspaper in Frankfurt. He has been working in Turkiye since 1990 and has been a senior manager in various companies. He is the father of two children and owns a yellow press-card. He also speaks German and French fluently.
Member Information
Member ID: 62
Date and Place of Membership: 23 March 2006, Turkiye (1st Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 1997, Istanbul
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Law and Human Rights, Notification and Invitation, Scientific Research and Analysis, Humane Aid, Business World
Country: Turkey
President: Mehmet Oğuz
Genel Bilgiler
Zafer Neighborhood Yildirim Beyazit Street Baba Ocak Street No:3/1 Yenibosna, Istanbul
+90 212 654 69 45