Member List
Al Muntada Organization

Short Introduction
A voluntary non-governmental organization established in Sudan in 2004, provides pioneer practices and human development projects that contribute to human dignity and community development. Its mission is to provide quality practices in development to achieve the efficiency and dignity of the human being by mobilizing the efforts of society. The objectives are achieving quality education, contribute to alleviating poverty and encouraging families to achieve efficiency, providing drinking water and enhancing the health of the environment, building communities capable of coping with crises, saving the life of motherhood and childhood, strengthening the roles of government institutions, profitability and organizations in society.
Muawiya Hussein Mohammed Ali
Member Information
Member ID: 307
Date and Place of Membership: 25 July 2015, Turkiye (19th Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 2004, Khartoum
Area of Activity: Education - Culture Tabligh - Dakwah, Health, Humane Aid
Country: Sudan
President: Muawiya Hussein Mohammed Ali