Member List
Association al Rachad of Development

Brief Introduction
Alrashad Association for Development is a non-governmental organization that provides voluntary and direct humanitarian assistance and services to those in need. Founded in 2001 in
Abeche city in the east, it is a local association that continues to provide services to many Wara centers, remote villages and rural areas.
Operating an education campus in Abous area
Building high school, secondary school and kindergarten in Anjmina and other regions
Introducing Islam to more than 300 thousand Christians
Organizing courses on computer, media, management and dakwah.
Constructed over 300 water wells, 60 mosques, 40 schools and employ 86 teachers
Organizing iftar projects, emergency aid and welfare projects
Dr. Abdullah Ahmet Yahya
Doctorate in Tafseer
A member of International Union of Muslim Scholars
Member Information
Member ID: 333
Date and Place of Membership: 29 May 2016, Malaysia (21st Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 2001, Chad
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Notification and Invitation, Humane Aid
Country: Chad
President: Dr. Yahya Abdullah Ahmet