Member List
Call and Reform Organization

Short Introduction
Call and Reform Organization is an organization representing Sunni Muslims in Iran and is working on da’wah and tableegh activities. The organization publish da’wah materials and carries out legal and religious studies on variety of issues.
Sheikh Dr. Abdolrahman Pirani
He has PhD degree in law and a member of the UNIW Consultation Committee.
Foreign Relations Executive
Luqman Sotudeh
Member Information
Member ID: 39
Date and Place of Membership: 31 December 2005, Founding Member
Date and Place of Foundation: 1979, Tehran
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Law and Human Rights, Notification and Invitation, Scientific Research and Analysis
Country: Iranian
President: Dr. Abdolrahman Pirani
Genel Bilgiler
No.36, Danesh Akhlaq St. Kargar Shomali Ave. Tehran, Iran.
+98 (218) 802 3927