Continuing Education and Solidarity Dialog and Culturel Association

Member List

Continuing Education and Solidarity Dialog and Culturel Association

Continuing Education and Solidarity Dialog and Culturel Association

Short Introduction
Continuing Education and Solidarity Association that has a short name known as SEDAV was established by a group of young people in İstanbul in 2005. It started activities as a civil society organization. This CSO provide people to benefit from foreign and native academicians and inspiring people by organizing academic seminars, solidarity nights, meetings etc. SEDAV, is the name of effort and it is a hand that reach to new generations. SEDAV, is the effort of making people to reach source of information to make them qualified by organising seminars. SEDAV, that is open to all people in strata, is the effort of making people to improve theirselves, by following the innovations. SEDAV, aims exemplary character that bring light to her/his environment, country and all humanity.

Competitions and debates between participants in order to develop their personal abilities
Organizing team work and giving participants a spirit of teamwork
Visits to participants’ homes
Visiting Institutions, Promoting Sedav
International symposium every two years
Academic symposium annually
Summer camps
Winter camps
Graduation programs
Student picnics
Establishing the Sedav Family Association
Establishing alumni associations
Organizing public Friday seminars
Helping to establish social clubs

Mukaddes Korkmaz

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Omer Faruk Korkmaz
He completed his degree in International Islamic University Faculty of Theology in Islamabad, Pakistan, and his masters degree in the history of religions. He received his Ph.D. degree from Ankara Theological Faculty History of Religions with his thesis titled “Mazdaism Today”. He worked as a research assistant in the History of Religions Department of Theology Faculty of Sivas Cumhuriyet University for a while. He is the founder and chairman of the Association for Continuing Education and Solidarity (SEDAV), founder and vice chairman of the Foundation for Foreign Students (SIRF), member of the board of the IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation and chairman of the board in KUTTAB Association. In January 2016, he was appointed as Chief Advisor to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.


Member Information

Member ID: 140

Date and Place of Membership: 28 February 2009, Morocco (6th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 2005, Istanbul

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family

Country: Turkey

President: Mukaddes Korkmaz

Genel Bilgiler

Molla Gurani Neighborhood Lutfu Pasa Street Hacibey Office Block No:54/6 Fatih, Istanbul

+90 212 523 31 36