Cultural Humanitarian Organization Merhamet (CHOM)

Member List

Cultural Humanitarian Organization Merhamet (CHOM)

Cultural Humanitarian Organization Merhamet (CHOM)

Short Presentation
Cultural Humanitarian Organization Merhamet (CHOM) was in 1997 to be prepared against possible events and developments, rather than as a reaction to a specific event. The aim of the organization was to fill cultural vacuum that exist in Balkan at the period and enrich life through spiritual means. Another important purpose was providing activities in the realm of mutual aid to help those in need to overcome difficult livelihood condition in the region.  In order to fulfill these aims, the organization progressively work through different committee such as livelihood assistance commission, culture and education commission, publication commission, communication commission, development commission, health commission, and woman commission.

Founding President
Adnan İsmaili

Ridvan Caferi

Project Manager
Cihad Huseyini

Member Information

Member ID: 111

Date and Place of Membership: 01 June 2008, Kuwait (5th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 1997, Skopje

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family Health, Humane Aid

Country: Macedonia

President: Adnan İsmaili

Genel Bilgiler

Str. Ilindenska N.n 1200 Tetovo, Macedonia

+389 (2) 260 0036
