Dituria Cultural Association

Member List

Dituria Cultural Association

Dituria Cultural Association

Short Presentation
Dituria Cultural Association was founded in the pioneership of Muvehid Hebibi in order to protect and improve the knowledge of the people in the Presheva Valley on national and religious issues. It also had works on the areas of humanitarian aid and education. The foundation also gives Turkish, German and English courses free of charge. Dituria provides Qur’anic and religious courses.

Nexhmedin Ademi

General Manager
Selim Zeqiri

Member Information

Member ID: 170

Date and Place of Membership: 21 November 2009, Kosovo (8th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 30 Agust 2011, Preşeva

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth

Country: Serbia

President: Nexhmedin Ademi

Genel Bilgiler

St. Selami Hallaci, No.15-C, 17523 Preshevë, Serbia

+381 (1) 7766 8011

