Member List
Foundation for the Education and Solidarity of Female Health Professionals

Short Introduction
Our purpose as KASAV is developing national and international consciousness regarding general health and healthy living, conducting works directed toward developing health and sanitation, enabling cooperation and solidarity between health professionals, giving general education and training to raise the level of public consciousness, increasing health and education capacities of disabled persons and underprivileged groups, protecting and conducting studies to ensure continuity of family, improving nature, developing consciousness about and protecting well-being of nature.
Dr. Gulhan Cengiz
Member Information
Member ID: 83
Date and Place of Membership: 18 December 2006, Sudan (3rd Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 1986, Istanbul
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Health, Humane Aid, Roof Organization, Other
Country: Turkey
President: Dr. Gulhan Cengiz
Genel Bilgiler
Cibali Neighborhood Uskuplu Street No:13/11 Fatih, Istanbul
+90 212 635 66 07