Member List
Guzel Eser Humanitarian Aid Association

Güzel Eser Humanitarian Aid Association is a non-profit, volunteer-based independent organization. Our association, which was established in Turkiye on 21.10.2019, continues its activities with the registration number 118/256-34 of the Directorate of Associations. Our association, which has many reputable personalities, aims to provide aid wherever humanitarian aid is needed in the world and to contribute to the development of underdeveloped countries due to war.
Member Information
Member ID: 434
Date and Place of Membership: 18.07.2020, Online (29.Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 2019, Turkiye
Area of Activity: Humane Aid, Health
Country: Turkey
President: Zuhair Ahmed Qasem Al- Shargabi
Genel Bilgiler
Şirinevler Dist., Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak St., 2.Sk., No:1 Floor: 3. Flat:36. BAHÇELİEVLER/ İSTANBUL
0212 506 63 71