Humanitarian Relief for Development Society (HRDS)

Member List

Humanitarian Relief for Development Society (HRDS)

Humanitarian Relief for Development Society (HRDS)

Short Introduction
The association was founded in 2004 in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The association carries out humanitarian activities in general. Its target group is poor families, especially Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

300-person orphanage center was built
70,000 food parcels were distributed to Palestinian refugee camps
Refugee schools opened throughout the country
3 Quran learning centers opened
Students were offered health care
5 ambulances were donated to the camps
A health clinic was opened
A sewing workshop opened for orphans
Distributed 16200 copies of Quran

Muhammet Maruf

Member Information

Member ID: 114

Date and Place of Membership: 1 June 2008, Kuwait (5th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 2003, Lebanon

Area of Activity: Humane Aid

Country: Lebanon

President: Muhammet Maruf

Genel Bilgiler