Idee Education and Assistance Foundation

Member List

Idee Education and Assistance Foundation

Idee Education and Assistance Foundation

Brief Presentation
Idee Education and Assistance Foundation is a foundation that focuses on developing family and society. It aims to display a healthy stance and attitude within society by sharing with other individuals the knowledge, service and values produced in its activities. As a part of this framework,  it carries out religious talks and conferences along with aid activities.

Ramazan Güngören


Member Information

Member ID: 64

Date and Place of Membership: 23 March 2006, Turkiye (1st Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 2001, Rotterdam

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Humane Aid

Country: Netherlands

President: Ramazan Güngören

Genel Bilgiler

Van Duylstraat 90B, 3026SL Rotterdam, Hollanda

+31 (61) 848 1949