Indonesian Humanitarian Committee

Member List

Indonesian Humanitarian Committee

Indonesian Humanitarian Committee

Short Presentation
KKI (Indonesian Humanitarian Committee) is an innovative humanitarian aid organization that focus its activities into two major segments: Permanent Projects and SituationalIncidental Projects. Its Permanent Projects are in constant developments throughout the year, while its Situational/Incidental Projects will be carried out accordingly based on donor preference or due to any provisional situations.

Oke Sediati Affendi
He was born in Jakarta, Indonesia in 1971. He got his master’s degree in Islam Economy from Islamabad International Islam University.
Affendi, who is a council member of UNIW, had crucial missions in several NGO’s like chief executive of Asia and Pacific Ocean Community for Palestine and general secretary of Mathla’ul Anwar.
Affendi is still maintaining his position as the chief executive of Indonesian Humanitarian Committee which has efficient works on humanitarian aid.
He is married and has three children. He can speak English, Arabic and Hindi on an advanced level.

Member Information

Member ID: 44

Date and Place of Membership: 31 December 2005, Founding member

Date and Place of Foundation: 1998, Jakarta

Area of Activity: Humane Aid

Country: Indonesia

President: Oke Sediati Affendi

Genel Bilgiler

Jl. Ceger Raya, Jurang Mangu Barat, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan 15223.

+62 (021) 7369 2104