Member List
International Union of Braille Quran Services (IBQS)

Short Introduction
International Union of Braille Quran Services IBQS is the umbrella body that brings organizations providing Braille Quran services in different regions of the world together. It currently has organization/individual members from Turkey, South Africa, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, United Kingdom, Palestine IBQS works for: Promoting the Braille Quran literacy all around the world, Developing the standards of Braille Quran books and an internationally recognized unified Quranic Braille codes table, Facilitating information and experience exchange between its members, Building up a financial and technical cooperation between its members and Providing Braille copies of Holy Quran as well as other Islamic texts to the blind or visually impaired persons all around the world.
Selahattin Aydin
Member Information
Member ID: 361
Date and Place of Membership: 07 December 2017, Turkiye (22nd Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 2014, Istanbul
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Notification and Invitatioh, Scientific Research and Analysis, Roof Organization, Other
Country: Turkey
President: Selahattin Aydin
Genel Bilgiler
Bulgurlu, Gurpinar Street, No:6, 34696 Uskudar, Istanbul
+90 216 650 91 13