Masajid & Madaris Foundation

Member List

Masajid & Madaris Foundation

Masajid & Madaris Foundation

Short Introduction
Masajid & Madaris Foundation, in an institution that generally invested in education. Its activites expands into Azad Kashmer and Gılgistan regions. Among the main activities of the foundation are organizing Qur’anic Courses and Madrasas, building mosques, and also provides scholarship to students. Since its formation, it had opened 90 mosques, employing 28 Qur’anic Memorization courses, while also managing 3 colleges, 40 libraries and more than help to build more than 250 water wells.

Khalid Mehmood Khan
He is a graduate from the Faculty of Theology, King Saud University. He is working as the foreign relation executive of Cemaat-ı Islamic Kashmir party. He has been managing private schools.

Member Information

Member ID: 248

Date and Place of Membership: 21 February 2014, Yemen (16th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 2000, Islamabad

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Law and Human Rights, Notification and Invitation, Sceintific Research and Analysis, Humane Aid

Country: Pakistan

President: Khalid Mehmood Khan

Genel Bilgiler

Office Masajid & Madaris Foundation Basti Daruslam Near Berma Pull, KHanna Dak, İslamabad, Pakistan

+92 (51) 261 7728