Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia

Member List

Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia

Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia

Short Presentation
Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia in founded in 1971 and was initially characterized by efforts to coordinate and lead the growth of Muslim youth activism, primarily through educational initiatives. In the 1980s, ABIM began developing several agencies for both educational and economic outreach, including founding its own education institutions, arranging from kindergartens levels, primary school, secondary school and college. Overseas activism became a feature of ABIM’s outreach in the 1990s as the organization involved itself in mission and humanitarian work in countries such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
ABIM is renowned as the pioneer for many political and social leaders of Malaysia. The former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Anwar Ibrahim; The President of the Parti Islam Se-Malaysia’s (PAS) Abdul Hadi Awang; and the Deputy Secretary General of UNIW Ahmad Azzam Ab Rahman are all prominent figures that emerged from this movement.

Mohamad Raimi Ab Rahim

Member Information

Member ID: 93

Date and Place of Membership: 22 June 2007, Malaysia (4th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 06 Ağustos 1971, Kuala Lumpur

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Law and Human Rights, Scientific Research and Analysis

Country: Malaysia

President: Mohamad Raimi Ab Rahim

Genel Bilgiler

Sekretariat ABIM Pusat, No 6, Jalan TC 2A/2, Taman Cemerlang, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

+60 (3) 4108 4500