Sudanese Women General Union

Member List

Sudanese Women General Union

Sudanese Women General Union

Short Introduction
The Union was founded in 1991 with the gathering of 2500 Sudanese women. There are about 25 thousand women members in the Union. The association, which has signed a cooperation agreement with many international women’s organizations, strives to find solutions to the problems faced by Sudanese women.

– Making publications to strengthen women’s role in society
– Organizing meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops and visits

İkbal Karar

Member Information

Member ID: 229

Date and Place of Membership: 25 January 2013, Turkiye (15th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 1990, Sudan

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Female Family

Country: Sudan

President: İkbal Karar

Genel Bilgiler

Khartoum, Sudan

+249 123 765 268