Takaful Society for Child Welfare

Member List

Takaful Society for Child Welfare

Takaful Society for Child Welfare

Short Introduction
The association was founded in 2004 in Beirut, Lebanon. The target group of the association is the children of Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon. Social, educational and cultural activities are organized for children.

– 7,000 orphans received financial and in-kind aid
– Awarded to 130 gifted children
– Granted sponsorship to 300 students
– 45,700 food parcels were distributed to the families of needy and orphaned children
– 5140 school bags distributed to needy and orphan children
– 60.200 winter clothes were distributed to the needy and orphan children
– 130 rehabilitation programs were organized for refugee children
– 60 camps organized for children

İsam Bergut

Member Information

Member ID: 86

Date and Place of Membership: 18 December 2006, Sudan (3rd Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 2004, Lebanon

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Humane Aid

Country: Lebanon

President: İsam Bergut

Genel Bilgiler