Member List
The Alternatif of the Future Foundation

Short Introduction
Fondacioni Alternativa e se Ardhmes (ALSAR), in fulfilling its human and social mission, through its modest support and beneficence wherever they are needed, continues to succeed in the 11th anniversary of its foundation as a result of its institutional performance in the spectrum of the Albanian civil society.
Mehdi Gurra
Mehdi Gurra, who was born in 1974, Albania, graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Theology and Islamic History in 2001.
Between the years 1994 and 1997, he was the chief executive of Albanian Students Union in Turkey. He gave guidance and organized conferences and seminars for the students.
He gave Islamic Courses in Hadji Hafiz Mahmud Dashi Madrasah in Tiran between 2000-2001.
Since 2006, he has been carrying on his mission as chief executive of ALSAR in Albania and is a council member of UNIW.
Until today, he organized 78 international symposiums and published several articles about religious, historic, philosophic and cultural topics in prestigious newspapers of Albania, Turkey and Germany. Furthermore, he has 12 books, which he translated from Turkish to Albanian.
Mehdi Gurra is married and has three children. He can speak fluent Turkish, advanced Arabic and French.
Gentian Plaku
Member Information
Member ID: 172
Date and Place of Membership: 21 November 2009, Kosovo (8th Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 21 September 2006, Tiran
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Youth, Female Family, Law and Human Rights, Health, Scientific Research and Analysis,Humane Aid.
Country: Albania
President: Mehdi Gurra
Genel Bilgiler
Rr. E Bogdaneve, Pallati Eurocol Kati.1, Tirana, Albania
+355 (42) 241852