Member List
Wafaa Al Muhsineen Benevolent Society

Short Introduction
It is a charity organization that works on the development of the poor and the needy in the society. It condcuts its activities in transparent, impartial and professional manner. They have basic aid support projects in Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Myanmar and in some African countries. Among their projects are; Tahfiz Quran courses, housing project for the poor, water-well projects, zakat and sadaqah projects, projects to assist the sick and wounded, and also Ramadan and Qurban projects.
Abdullah Al Astal
He graduated from Faculty of Kalam, Islamic University of Gaza. From 2013 to 2016, he worked at the Palestinian Authority of Muessesetü’l Mubadirati’l A’maniyyeti’l Ehliyyeti li Munasirati in the Gaza region. In 2018, he founded the Ihsan and Vefa association, and is currently its president.
Member Information
Member ID: 394
Date and Place of Membership: 30 July 2019, Albania (26th Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 2018, Istanbul
Area of Activity: Humane Aid
Country: Turkey
President: Abdullah Al Astal
Genel Bilgiler
Molla Gurani Neighborhood Sari Musa Street Akay Apartment No:52/3 34093 Fatih, Istanbul
+90 212 631 15 78