Member List
Women Organization Coordination Council

Women Organization Coordination Council is a woman NGO established on April 2005 in Yemeni capital San'a with participation of representatives from different Yemeni cities as a union. WOCC has gathered 59 woman organizations across Yemen by far and aims to reach and cooperate more from them. Through unity idea and cooperation, WOCC aims to strenght the relations among woman NGO's in Yemen.
It is our mission to rehabilite and pursue the rights of women who affected from violence and war and provide humanitarian aid to affected people in different areas of Yemen. So, WOCC carried out numeorus projects in San'a, Hadramowt and Amran to provide humanitarian aid.
Member Information
Member ID: 436
Date and Place of Membership: 18.07.2020, Online (29.Council)
Date and Place of Foundation: 2015, Yemen
Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Female Family, Roof Organization
Country: Yemen
President: Aishaa Ali Youssef Harba