Zakat Fund of Lebanon

Member List

Zakat Fund of Lebanon

Zakat Fund of Lebanon

Short Introduction
The Zakat Fund of Lebanon was established to increase the number of charities in Lebanon and to promote the role of Muslims in the charity activities.

– Call for the payment of zakat, a fifth cornerstone of Islam
– Distribute the collected zakat and charity to the right holders as indicated in the holy Qur’an
– Collecting cash and in-kind benefits and donations from Muslims in Lebanon and abroad
– Distributing Zakat funds to legitimate banks
– Distribute charity and help to needs
– Educate Muslims on their religion and encourage them to adhere to religion
– To organize awareness campaigns

İmad Itani


Member Information

Member ID: 366

Date and Place of Membership: 13 July 2014, Turkiye (19th Council)

Date and Place of Foundation: 1984, Lebanon

Area of Activity: Education - Culture, Humane Aid

Country: Lebanon

President: İmad Itani

Genel Bilgiler

Beirut, Lebanon

+961 1 806 300, +961 1 861 604