Press Releases

Agreement of Normalization
International public opinion has been confronted with a new falsehood made up by President Trump and Netanyahu, acting exclusively on behalf of their own political account and interests. In an environment where the United States is increasingly becoming an Israeli satellite every day, a so-called “peace plan” that threatens world peace and tranquillity has been put forward as a bad example of Camp David.
International public opinion has been confronted with a new falsehood made up by President Trump and Netanyahu, acting exclusively on behalf of their own political account and interests. In an environment where the United States is increasingly becoming an Israeli satellite every day, a so-called “peace plan” that threatens world peace and tranquillity has been put forward as a bad example of Camp David.
The sad part of this plot, created by the US-Israel duo, on behalf of our geography, was that the Member States of the Arab League were looking for conditions for the end of the Palestinian occupation and the withdrawal of Israel to the 1967 borders as a condition for years to enter the normalization process with Israel.
With this notorious agreement, which contains far more unacceptable details than the Oslo Agreement, which provides for the normalization of Arab-Israeli relations, Arab countries de facto end and deny their position before history, as well as publicly betray the Palestinian cause, which they have traditionally owned for a century. Those who have lost in the battlefield for years against the Zionist occupation state, unfortunately, continue their misery at the table.
However, Israel ignores even the United Nations resolutions, which are the source of their non-legitimacy, annexes the territories they occupy in violation of international law, and open new settlements here illegally and carelessly. They continue to shed the blood of thousands of innocent Muslims in Gaza and other Palestinian territories, which they have blockaded for years and turned into the largest open-air prison in the world, and declares that it will annex the West Bank, making Jerusalem, our first Qibla, its capital.
However, as if some Islamic countries confirm all these illegalities and show the anomaly as normal, these agreements signed with Zionist, militaristic and apartheid states, are not normality, but the most extreme example of an anomaly.
It is a disgrace to try to proudly market this betrayal to our geography as if it were a great success. The signatories of these agreements clearly show that they have no ties left with the Islamic world or the Arab world. With this agreement, which they shamelessly signed, they actually approve of the injustices that Israel has committed to the Muslim people in the region and become partners in their atrocities.
As is now clear in the Israeli and world media reports in recent days, these states have been working very closely with Israel under the table for years.
The fact that two states, with no physical borders between them and no conflict in the past, are conducting peace and normalization negotiations under the wings of the United States signals different intentions beyond their efforts to develop bilateral relations. What was the anomaly between them in the first place that they were trying to normalize?
However, international agreements have the principle of not harming other countries and parties while developing relations between bilateral countries.
I wonder if this normalization will lead to a two-state solution between Palestine and Israel, which we have rightly advocated for many years. Will Israel withdraw from the Occupied Palestinian Territories? Will the Last Palestinian refugee be able to return home and the Palestinians will have their freedom? Will the blockade in Gaza end? Will Illegal Jewish settlements be abolished, and these territories handed over to Muslims who are the main rights holders? Will Israel sign peace treaties with other countries it borders, such as Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and withdraw from the territories it occupies? Why can’t we find the slightest clue and a normal answer to any of these normal questions in the normalization agreement?
The saddest point for us is that the Islamic world and the international organizations that claim to represent it, especially the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab League, are unfortunately incapable of doing so. It is thought-provoking that these organizations, which should be the voice of Muslims, who make up a significant part of the world’s population, remain silent against such dangerous games, while not hesitant to show indigestion at the Kuala Lumpur Summit, organized for the purpose of unity and solidarity. These structures, which are insensitive and hypocritical in developing relations with Islamic countries, can not even clearly express what they think, let alone take a common decision and develop an attitude in the face of US-Israeli scenarios.
As the Union of NGOs of the Islamic world, the umbrella organization of 354 NGOs from 65 countries, we reject the so-called peace plans that ignore Palestine and the Palestinians, designed for the perspective of others. This agreement, which is doomed to fail, and to bind only the signatories afront international law and history, is unlawful and non-existent for the Islamic world.
Respectfully announced to the public.