Press Releases

Covid-19 Press Release
For the last month, mankind has been tested with one of the horrific disasters that was rarely seen for centuries.
The outbreak of Covid-19 had directly and indirectly overcome continents, countries, cities, towns. As it spreads without any due obstacles, it is ruthless and indiscriminate of race, gender, age, and even social status. In a sense, it reminded us most clearly of the transience of this world and desperation of the human being.
Even the developed countries, which were deemed as having the most advanced level of healthcare and proud themselves as the “social welfare state”, are currently under siege by this global pandemic along with less developed countries.
In this health crisis that exacerbated social and economic uncertainties, we stand witness to the weakness of those states with enormous war-capabilities, that they are trapped by their own policies.
These days, while we are tested with pain and desperation, are actually a period of shaking, to come round and questioning for states, institutions and individuals.
It is at such times that we had come to reflect on our own collective identity, are we are tested to search for the meaning of accountability, moderation and unity.
In this context, the President of the Republic of Turkey had launched a solidarity and unity-driven initiative “We Are Self-Sufficient”, and his campaign was well received in such short period of time.
It is inevitable that in this troubled period, which had forced states and global economic structures to be closed, will have many negative social, economic and political consequences in the coming future.
We wish that Allah will protect us and all of humanity from this pandemic, and may Allah bestow us with a new era where the Islamic World have greater unity to bring an end to social injustices that had long made our world in turmoil.