Press Releases
One More Family Day and Week
We have reached the “Family Day” that has been celebrated on the 15th May since 1994 under the decision of UN General Assembly dated 20th September, 1993 and numbered 47/231.
It is meaningful that such a day is needed to draw attention to concept of family that keeps society alive. That decision may be a sign of drawing attention to the fact that family structure has been affected by that for the last 2 ages in which quick change was gone through and thus is under risk and so to the endeavour to rescue it from that. That Western-origin change named as modernization and globalization has spread more rapidly compared to the ones in the past, and has surrounded forcibly all the societies and cultures, in short, all the world internally and externally. New concepts that were produced in the framework of the concepts ‘civilising’ and ‘progress’ during the period of forcing them to change have been used as beneficial tools for the design of a new understanding of the world. Perception of all societies apart from the West has been damaged and family, and the first social interaction net, which human and society meet and create each other, has been affected by the change considerably.
In an environment, in which mind, individuality, freedom, progress, secularisation is dominant, the main targets are pleasure and comfort, and for that killing human is seen as normal within the framework of the mentality of “produce-consume”, justice has wiped out, wars and violation of rights increase day by day and, which disregards the holy, meets psychological needs rather than the biological, it is not possible for family structure not to be affected by them morally and materialistically. To support family, the background of such events and perception engineering as placing new definitions of role on family members, effort to make the moral values insignificant, secular approach and re-building of woman figure, seeing rights-centre relationship as top agenda in family, changing the essence of the concept of family through such concepts as violence, must be analysed well. It should not be forgotten that a family civilization cannot rise from the parents and children that adjust all their relationship by placing themselves in the centre, family members that do not concern themselves with domestic matters and prioritize their work rather than their spouse, and thus a healthy generation and society cannot develop.
As UNIW family, which has 260 members in 55 countries, we believe that all the world, firstly the Islamic One, needs taking into account the unchanged values under the light of the Quran and sunnah appropriately, and making family gain its place, which it deserves, in the changing world by reviewing some familial applications, which are carried out allegedly for Islam and are affected by traditions, under the light of those values. We think that family evaluation that is made over woman is insufficient in itself and the place of man in family must be reviewed thoroughly. We call upon all the relevant people, institutions and organizations to cooperate without delay, and wish this day and the Family Week lead to good things in life.