
14th Gathering Of Development of African NGOs
14th Gathering Of Development of African NGOs, organized periodically by UNIW member al Muntada al Islami took place at the Lazzoni Hotel in Istanbul on April 12-17, 2017 under the heading “African NGO Development – Sustainable Financial Resources”. The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) conference jointly organized by several official bodies authorized from Turkey along with 25 of the 80 countries in Africa and NGO president of NGO representatives.
Mehmet Ali Yiğit, Deputy Governor of Istanbul, Omer Faruk Korkmaz, advisor to Prime Minister and Turkish Red Crescent Chairman Kerem Kınık, Istanbul Mufti Assistant Caner Akdemir participated in the event . TGTV, IHH, Lighthouse, Charity Humanitarian Relief, Doctors, Our Heritage, Religious Foundation of Turkey and representatives of many NGOs operating in various fields, especially MUSIAD were also ready in the program.
NGOs have also opened a publicity booth with the aim of promoting the activities they have planned and planned.
The program opened with the Holy Quran recitation and after Abdullah Fazi made opening speech which is the president of Al-Muntada Trust based in the United Kingdom. Offering gratitude to the Turkish government and its people, al-Fayez stressed that such programs would be of great benefit to NGOs operating in Africa, and at the same time would be instrumental in bringing siblings from different countries together.
Then, on behalf of UNIW and Turkish NGOs, UNIW Secretary General Atty. Ali Kurt thanked al Muntada for the activities that it has carried out with the aim of developing African NGOs. In his speech to the Secretary General, he noted that this meeting would provide very beneficial results and would be an opportunity for African NGOs to meet with Turkish NGOs, especially those in the region.
Kerem Kınık who Later on, the Turkish Red Crescent, describing the work of the Red Crescent and planned projects ,expressed that the continent of Africa was left to the western occupation that exploited the resources of the region for many years and that it was a humanitarian duty for all of us to rescue Africa from this abuse on the axis of our deep history and our relationship with Africa.
Canter Akdemir, assistant to Istanbul Mufti, emphasized that various projects should be realized in invitation to Africa, humanitarian aid, education and similar fields.
Ömer Faruk Korkmaz, advisor to Prime Minister of Turkey, who expressed his gratitude to UNIW and Al-Muntada for organizing such activities, stressed that Africa has always been a special value for the Turkish people, referring to the common history of Turkish-Africa.
After the talk of the completed protocol with the speech of Mehmet Ali Yiğit, Deputy Governor of Istanbul, the plaques has prepared by A-l Muntada were presented to representatives of UNIW and official institutions.
After the ceremony, the stands opened by the Turkish NGOs were visited by participants and exchanged information about the work done. Then experts have given the program on sustainable financial resources and the training programs. Representatives made doctors, Lighthouse Association and Religious Foundation of Turkey presentations.
On the last day, the program ended with lunch given by MÜSİAD, a member of Florian Social Facilities, on behalf of representatives of African and Turkish NGOs attending the Development NGO Meeting of African NGOs.