Visit to Istanbul Governorate from UNIW Commission
The delegation consisting of UNIW Secretary General Mr. Eyüp...
DetailVisit from Sudan-Turkıye Friendship Association to UNIW
UNIW Secretary General Eyüp Akbal, Sudan-Turkiye Friendship...
DetailVisit from Yemen Friendship and Solidarity Association to UNIW
Abdulraqib Obad, the chairman of the Yemen Friendship and...
DetailVisit from Turkiye-Islamic World Relations Center to UNIW
Head of Turkiye-Islamic World Relations Center Osama Avnioğlu...
DetailVisit from the Indonesian Representative of the International Muslim Women Union to UNIW
The Indonesian representative of the International Muslim Women...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Wafaa Al Muhsineen Benevolent Society
The delegation of the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Himma Youth Association
The delegation of the Union of Non-Governmental Organizations of...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Yemen Friendship and Solidarity Association
The delegation consisting of UNIW Corporate Relations...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Goz Bebekleri Aid and Solidarity Association
The delegation consisting of UNIW Institutional Relations...
DetailVisit from UNIW to International Academy for Leadership and Development
The delegation, consisting of UNIW Corporate Relations...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Al Wafaa Association for Relief and Development
The delegation, consisting of UNIW Institutional Relations...
DetailTGTV Extended Member Consultation Meeting
Turkish Voluntary Organizations Foundation (TGTV) held an...
Detail16 tons of Baby Biscuits are Reaching the Innocent Hearts of War with Hayrat Aid.
Hayrat Aid started a charity campaign for innocent hearts. The...
DetailConsultation Meeting between AFAD and NGOs on Yemen Axis
Upon the request from AFAD, a consultation meeting was held on...
DetailModeration and Middle Way Mecca Conference
Organized by the World Islamic Union (Rabita) in the city of...
DetailThe 3rd International Islamic Union Congress was held in Istanbul
The 3rd International Islamic Union Congress, with the theme of...
DetailMembership Certificate Presented to Cem'iyetü'l Fellahi'l Hayriye
Our member from Palestine, Cem'iyetü'l Fellahi'l Hayriye...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Türkiye-Islamic World Relations Center
The delegation consisting of UNIW Corporate Relations...
DetailVisit from UNIW to Hope Education Foundation
The delegation consisting of UNIW Institutional Relations...
Detail2nd Extended Secretariat Meeting with Arab Origin Members in Turkey
UNIW met with Arab origin NGOs located in Turkey, hosted by our...
DetailMeeting with Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services
A meeting was held with Ms. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Minister of...
DetailVisit to the Consulate General of India
We visited the Consulate General of India at Istanbul on 12...
DetailConference on Moderation and Common Grounds
A program on “Moderation and Common Grounds” was organzied by...
DetailWe İnvite Muslims to Unite Against Recklessness of the Zionist Regime
Zionist regime continues with its attacks against Al-Aqsa and...
DetailAnkara Visit from UNIW Member NGOs
DetailWorld Humanitarian Summit 23-24 May 2016 / Istanbul
First time in the history World Humanitarian Summit was held on...
Detail12th Gathering for Developing the Associations Conducting Activities for Africa
50 NGOs from 13 countries conducting activities in Africa came...
DetailThe Islamic World Gathers at Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019
Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019 had gathered the Islamic world at the...
Detail5th Consultation Meeting with UNIW’s Arab Members Held at ICYF Headquarters
UNIW members of Arab-origin countries were gathered for the...
DetailMeeting with our NGO members at UNIW Headquarters
The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World had held an extended...
Detail“Let’s Wrap the Wounds of Sudan Together”
Sudan had recently experienced one of the biggest floods in its...
Detail4th UNIW Secretariat Consultation Meeting Held with East Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association
UNIW have an Extended Secretariat Meeting with our members from...
DetailUNIW Meets with NGOs Representatives at Extended Secretariat Meeting
UNIW had held its 4th Extended Secretariat Meeting on 6...
DetailVisit to Republic of Turkey’s Embassy at Tirana
On the second day of our program at Albania, we visited the...
DetailWorkshop on Awareness of Humanitarian Aid Intervention Mechanism
AFAD and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of...
DetailDiscussion with Islamıc Cooperatıon Youth Forum (ICYF)
A discussion was held at ICYF Office in the World Trade Center,...
DetailCouncil Meeting of the International Muslim Women Union (IMWU)
A Council Meeting of the International Muslim Women Union (IMWU)...
DetailTIKA Experıence Sharıng Program
UNIW Deputy Secretary General, Mr Ahmet Akay Azak; Corporate...
DetailUNIW Visit to Islamic Development Bank
The UNIW delegation met with officials of the Islamic...
DetailAlbanian Orphans Gathering and Iftar Program
We participated in the Albanian Orphans Gathering and Iftar...
DetailMeeting with Mrs. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services
A meeting was held with the Minister of Family, Labor and Social...
Detail3rd Extended Secretariat Meeting held in FIDDER head office with Arab Origin Members in Turkey
Meeting started with Atty. Ali Kurt’s opening speech and reading...
DetailCommission of Women, Family and Youth Meet with Representatives of Youth NGOs
UNIW’s Commission of Women, Family and Youth (KAGE) had held a...
DetailThe Kashmir Problem Was Discussed at The University of Istanbul
The Kashmir Problem was discussed at a panel organized by...
Detail5th Anniversary of Yemen-Turkey Friendship and Solidarity Association
With the slogan “Renewed Cooperation and Friendship”,...
DetailBusiness Development Delegation from Gilgit-Baltistan State of Pakistan visited UNIW
Business Development Delegation from Gilgit-Baltistan State of...
Detail2nd Extended Secretariat Meeting held in Bevol Platfrom with Arab Origin Members in Turkey
UNIW met with Arab origin NGOs located in Turkey, hosted by...
DetailHoca Ahmet Yesevi Association (HAYDER) visited UNIW
Secretary General of Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Association (HAYDER)...
DetailRepresentatives of the Asian-African Cooperation Council Visited UNIW
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Asian-African...
DetailExtended Secretarıat Meeting with Arab Origin Members in Turkey
UNIW met with Arab origin NGOs located in Turkey. The first...
DetailOttoman Turkish Courses Certificate Giving Ceremony
The trainees that had completed Ottoman Turkish Course, held in...
DetailWe Congratulated Governor Ali Yerlikaya and Wished Success for his New Position
Visit to Governor of Istanbul 15 November 2018, Istanbul We...
DetailVisit to Ministry Of Finance and Treasury
Visit to Ministry Of Finance and Treasury 23 October 2018,...
DetailVisit to Turkish Red Crescent
Visit to Turkish Red Crescent 23 October 2018, Ankara We held...
DetailMeeting With The Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan Delegation
The delegation of the Alkhidmat Foundation from Pakistan came...
DetailMeeting With Dato’ Seri Anwar Bin Ibrahim
Secretary General of UNIW Att. Ali Kurt made a series of visits...
DetailMeeting with Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi
Meeting with Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi 06 July 2018, Istanbul A...
DetailThe Ministry Of Family And Social Policies Visit
In order to provide information on UNIW’s activities and work on...
DetailUniversity of Harran World of Islam Conference and Exhibition
Our Secretary General Att. Ali Kurt, President of the Union of...
DetailSocial Security And Its Effects On The Unity of Ummah
Under the auspices of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an...
Detail“WOMEN! Pillars of Civilizations” Conference
“WOMEN! Pillars of Civilizations” Conference 11-13 March 2018...
DetailKuwait Consulate Reception
Our Secretary General Att. Ali Kurt attended the Kuwait National...
DetailMeeting With NGOs From East Turkestan
A delegation of 12 people from East Turkestan NGOs chairmen,...
DetailThe General Assembly of Munazzamatu’d Da’veti’l Islami
The ordinary general assembly meeting of Munazzamatü’d Da’veti’l...
Detail1st International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress
The International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress held at Istanbul...
DetailInternational Refugee Crisis Conference
We are at the International Refugee Crisis conference, under the...
DetailVisit to the Minister of Family and Social Policies Mrs. Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya
Our Family and Social Policies Minister Dear Dr. Fatma Betül...
Detail14th Gathering Of Development of African NGOs
14th Gathering Of Development of African NGOs, organized...
DetailConference on “International Humanitarian Action between the East & the West”
The Turkish Red Crescent and Eid Charity held conference on...
DetailThe International Muslims Conference from Crisis to the Solution in all around the World
Holiday Inn Hotel, Amman-JordanMarch 18, 2017 The conference...
DetailIslamic World Academy Is Being Established
The pioneers of the intellectual and political life of Islamic...
DetailMeeting With Senator Talha Mahmood
A meeting was held with the Senator Talha Mahmood from Pakistan...
DetailParticipation in 6th Provincial Organization Meeting of Turkey Family Platform
The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) had attended the...
DetailKashmir Panel on Global and Regional Politics
The Secretariat General of UNIW gave speech at Kashmir Panel on...
DetailInternational Conference on Imams and Preachers
UNIW and Heyel al Alemia lil Masajid jointly organized 1st...
DetailThe Union of Arab Academics Visited UNIW
A delegation from the Union of Arab Academics visited UNIW to...
DetailSocial and Humanitarian Aid Organizations Creating Common Database
There has been a great need in a common database in Humanitarian...
DetailInternational Conference will be Held in Istanbul to Support Masjid-i-Aqsa
International Conference “International Masjid-i-Aqsa and Bayt...
DetailIslamic World convenes in Istanbul for Yemen: International Conference on Humanitarian Aid for Yemen
Yemen was turned into an area of hegemony of the international...
Detail7th Ordinary Elective General Assembly Meeting
The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World 7th Elective General...
DetailConference for Return of Legitimacy and Rights in Yemen
UNIW and International Muslim Lawyers Association held a...
Detail12th African Foundations Development Gathering
El- Munteda El- Islami Trust organization headquartered in...
DetailCooperation Among NGOs and Development Conference
Islamic World Cooperation and Development Conference held in...