
Meeting with Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi
Meeting with Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi
06 July 2018, Istanbul
A meeting was carried out with IMWU General Secretary Dr. Samia Raheel Qazi with the participations of UNIW General Secretary Att. Ali Kurt, UNIW KAGE Co-Chair Rabia Yilmaz, UNIW Asia Desk Officer Umer Faruk, UNIW Turkey Desk officer Emine Kutluay, UAE Desk Officer Erva Mollaibrahimoglu and member of ONDER Veysel Ipekci on 06.07.2018
In the meeting, 3rd International NGO Fair, 24th Council Meeting, Pakistan visit and 14th International Youth Gathering were discussed.
IMWU Council Meeting and International Family Institute High Advisory Board Meeting were discussed.