
7th Ordinary Elective General Assembly Meeting
The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World 7th Elective General Assembly Meeting was held on July 25, 2015 in Eyüp Baharia Complex. Along with General Assembly the 3rd term of UNIW over and the 4th term started.
In this new term, Atty. Ali Kurt was elected as Secretary General once again. Eyup Akbal from Turkey on behalf of MUSIAD, Ahmed Azam Abdul Rahman from Malaysia on behalf of Future Global Network Foundation, Abdurrahim Ali Muhammed from Sudan on behalf of Muınazzama Al Dawah al Islamiyah and Khalid Fawwaz from UK on behalf of Al Muntada Al Islami were appointed as Deputy Secretaries General.
UNIW used to have 272 members from 55 countries, after new enrollments membership number increased to 302 NGO member from 61 countries.