
Social and Humanitarian Aid Organizations Creating Common Database
There has been a great need in a common database in Humanitarian Aid Organizations in identification of peoples’ neediness, in registration of the aids, in preventing repeated helps and in preventing waste of resources.
So far, every Humanitarian organizatons have created their own database to take records and they compare datas mutally when they need to prevent the duplication of assistance. But these efforts has never eliminate the need for a common database.
As put this issue on the table, General Secretary Atty. Ali Kurt and his group visited Family and Social Policy Minister Dr. Sema RAMAZANOGLU and offered the databased called SOYBIS which created by General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity and still uses in the municipalities to use in Humanitarian Aid Organizations as well. In the meeting it was emphasised that this database should be used in the Organizations to obtain common criterias.
In order to put into practice this database, UNIW arranged a meeting, all Humanitarian Aid Organizations and Platforms come together in UNIW headquarter center. Some of them were; Turkish Red Crescent, AID International Doctors Association, Bashir Association, Lighthouse Association, Charity Humanitarian Aid Association, Isra Ulu. Association, Sadakataşı Association, Verenel Assistance and Solidarity Association, Helping Hand Association etc. The representatives of those Associations expressed their thoughts and this subject is evaluated.
At the meeting common database and integration to SOYBIS and the benefits of integration has been discussed and the meeting was fruitful.