
UNIW Visit to America
UNIW Visit to America
30 March – 05 April 2018
UNIW was in the United States of America and Canada from 30 March to 5 April in order to participate in a congress and to hold a series of visits and meetings.
THE ICNA-MAS Congress, attended by NGOs representatives and stakeholders from many countries of the world, was held in Baltimore Maryland from 30 March to 1 April 2018
At the congress, our General Coordinator made a presentation about UNIW and its activities. Then held a one on one meeting with state representatives of ICNA (Islamic Council of North America) and NGO representatives from other countries. Later on he met with ICNA US President Javeed Siddiqi, ICNA Canada President Tahir Alvi, MAS (Muslim American Society) General Manager Mazen Mokhtar and MUNA (Muslim Ummah North America) President Assoc. Mohammad Nakbur Rahman.
He made a special meeting with UNIW Council Member Dr. Gulam Nabi and Muhammad Abdus Shakoor to exchange ideas about the projects that are on the UNIW’s agenda.
After the congress, our general coordinator left Baltimore. He visited “Diyanet Center” which is built by Turkey on 60 acres of land located in Washington DC. Social complex has a mosque, Turkish bath, cultural center, conference hall, cafeteria, bookstore, a shop and a guest house. It meets the needs of the Muslims in the surrounding provinces such as Friday prayers, funeral works, religious prayers and host many events.
Following the visit, our general coordinator visited the Dar all-Hijrah Islamic Center, which is based on a 25-acre land in Washington DC and met with General Manager Naeem M. Baig. This social complex focuses on the Islamic Communique and also meets the religious needs of Muslims living in the region.
On the 5th day of the visit, our general coordinator gathered up with Iqbal Unus and Professor Hisham Al Talib whom representative of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in Washington DC.
He then met with Nihad Award, Director General of the Council of American Islamic Relations, with 35 offices in many states across the country to promote advocacy and public relations for the image and rights of Islam and Muslims.
On the 6th day of the visit, our general coordinator moved from Washington DC to New York in order to held a meeting with UN permanent Representative of Turkey. During the meeting, ECOSOC status evaluated, consultations were held on how the system works and what diplomats can support.
He then visited the ICNA Headquarters in New York and learned about its activities.
Following the visit, our general coordinator left the United States and moved to Canada. He met with Shoukat Hussain Bey, whom General Manager of ICNA Relief in Canada, Toronto. Hussain pointed out the importance of the existence of a structure like UNIW because they could send aid to the Muslims together with the other members under the umbrella of an association and thanked the UNIW for pointing out that their works should continue under the umbrella of the union.
The 7-day visit came to an end with ICNA Relief meeting.