
The Ministry Of Family And Social Policies Visit
In order to provide information on UNIW’s activities and work on the family axis in particular, a meeting was held with Mehmet Karabay, who was Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies during that time, at the ministry building with the participations of UNIW Secretary General Att. Ali Kurt, Co-President of UNIW KAGE Dr. Rabiye Yılmaz.
Secretary General Ali Kurt gave information about the extent of the protocol that was signed previously with the ministry. Deputy Minister Mehmet Karabay stated that the UNIW’s active cooperation opportunities with the Ministry could be evaluated and he added that he would appoint two staff members as a contact person for the UNIW in order to coordinate these works.
The Secretary General provided information on the work of the International Family Institute, which is attached to UNIW’s Family, Women and Youth Commission, stressed the importance of the International Family Convention and stated that the UAE High Advisory Board convenes twice a year. The Deputy Minister said the ministry would organize a “family council” in the near future and the meeting of the High Advisory Board could be organized with it too. The NGO activities, also called fifth column activities, holds an important place in the world as a sector, but in Turkey, it has not developed sufficiently. He added that therefore he was pleased with the existence of the UNIW and the visit.
The meeting ended after the UNIW committee expressed their satisfaction for the upcoming collaboration with the ministry.