
The Kashmir Problem Was Discussed at The University of Istanbul
The Kashmir Problem was discussed at a panel organized by Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, Political Science and International Relations Department and Club (SUIK). Bilal Khan Pasha, Consul General of Pakistan in Istanbul and Prof. Dr. Sedat Murat Vice Rector of Istanbul University and Assist. Prof. İsmail Kızılırmak Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics attended the panel. UNIW Asia, Europe and America Desk Officer Umer Farooq attended the meeting.
The Panel entitled “Kashmir Problem: An analysis of a tragedy that has been going on since 1947” took place in two sessions. In his opening and salutation speech on behalf of Istanbul University, Assist. Professor Dr. Ismail Kizilirmak, stressed that the tension in the region is no longer a sustainable situation, especially in the region of Kashmir, which is concerned about the recent tension, and stressed that the tension in the region should be reduced as soon as possible. Kızılırmak said “As Pakistan’s brother nation, we have always tried to reduce this tension that affects Pakistan negatively and to solve the problem. We, as academicians, have made every effort to bring the issue to the international agenda and talk about it, and we will continue to do so.” He also wished that his speech would result in an equitable solution of the problem.
After the opening speech, the first session started with a conference in which the Consul General of Pakistan in Istanbul addressed the Kashmir Problem. Mr. Pasha said, “The Kashmir problem is a problem that has not been solved by the UN for a long time, and the UN proposal for a solution has not been taken into consideration. At the same time, the problems in Kashmir are in parallel with the Palestinian conflict in many ways.”