
Ankara Visit from UNIW Member NGOs
In the night of 15th of July, the heinous coup attempt occurred against government and the president. This attack had made a great impact not only in Turkey, but among all Islamic World.
We, as the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World, with the participation of the representatives of domestic and foreign NGOs and members of media from Islamic World, had visited Presidency, Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Prime Ministry, Religious Affairs and the presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities to convey our message of supports on behalf of all the Islamic World and our wishes of blessings to Turkey.
The representatives of NGOs of from 40 countries including South Africa, Maldives, Yemen, Macedonia, Malaysia, Iraq, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, Syria, USA, UK, Turkey, Australia, Lebanon, Albania, Egypt, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Kuwait, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Spain, Morocco Sudan, Qatar, India, Bangladesh, Somalia, Bosnia, Libya, Lebanon, Chad, Germany, Mauritania, Kenya, Serbia, Palestine and Cambodia had participated this visit with the titled of “The Islamic World supports to Turkey”.
With the cooperation of Directorate of General Press & Information and Public Diplomacy Coordinator, the domestic representatives of NGOs, such as TGTV, Palestine Platform, the International Business Forum, MUSIAD, international lawyers, ASSAM had also participated to the delegation.
The speakers hold the floor in the meeting have mentioned that, this July 15th coup attempt also created great indignation among Muslim countries and they indicated their full support to Turkey in combating this nefarious structure. In addition, they exchanged views in a way that how Turkey could cope with this slinky group.
The visit started with a Seminar about the latest developments in Turkey and the details of the coup attempt and this treacherous group. The representatives from each region has made their speech and mutual consultations.
Secretary General of UNIW Ali Kurt began his talk by thanking the guests and said; “International public opinion as usual has that double standards and insensitivity, they did not want to understand this coup attempt, nor our martyrs, and injured citizens as it happened in Egypt, in Syria, as in Yemen. But you shared our sorrow in our heart. I would like to thank you for your sincere prayers with the consciousness of being one ummah and thank you for accepting our invitation”
Public Opinion Diplomacy Coordinator Ali Osman Ozturk, greeted the participants who comes from every corner of the Muslim world and said; “We had a very painful experience, but after every darkness there is a light. Alhamdullillah Our Lord gave us the victory in this event and honored us. The Western world has approached the point of view to this coup attempt as Islam phobic, and followed it by ‘Turkey fobic’ and ‘Erdogan fobic!”
Deputy Director General of Press and Information İ. Mansur Ozdemir emphasized on the importance of the struggle on July 15th and said; “Dignity is the most beautiful dress on us. May Allah accept our position of honor. The martyrs of Quds, Rabia and July 15th are brothers.”
Later on, the Deputy Prime Minister and the State Minister Mr. Numan Kurtulmuş had been visited by the delegation. After thank you speech of our Secretary General Mr. Ali Kurt, Mr. Kurtulmuş gave information about the fight against this coup attempt which faced the Turkish Government and he stressed the need of fight to this attempt should be internationally. He said: “Those who cannot stop Turkey that night, now they are going try stop Turkey with the PKK and other terrorist organizations. None of them will be successful God willing”.
Then our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan had us at the Presidential Complex. He emphasized the importance of movement in the consciousness of the nation and he said; “I would like to congratulate each of you separately for being brotherhood among yourself and putting out this beautiful image in unity and solidarity representing all Islamic World Non-Governmental Organizations.”
He said; “Turkey is under attack of allies of terrorist groups. Their names are different but they move in the same way.” He indicated that he is upset of the conflicts and difficulties and the unsolved problems in the Islamic world.
He highlighted that these terrorist attacks accelerated the steps taken on safety in Turkey, and he added; “How this July 15th attempt led us to cut out the cancer cells called FETO, these kind of actions would help us to build a strong security structure in Turkey”
The full text of the speech can be found at
ttp://www.tccb.gov.tr/konusmalar/353/51004/islam-dunyasi-sivil-toplum-kuruluslari-birligi-heyetini-kabulunde-yaptiklari-konusma.html and the videos can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBo4pCUcnI0
Later on we had a chance to meet with the President of Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Ismail Kahraman. After thank you speeches of Secretary General of the Muslim Scholars Association Mr. Ali Karadagi and General Secretary of UNIW Mr. Ali Kurt, Mr. Kahraman shared what happened the night of July 15 in Parliament. He said, that night the parliament building had been bombed 7 times, and it deserved to get “Veteran” titled.
The delegation visited that shelled area in the Parliament and received information from the authorities about that night.
The delegation attended the dinner which was given in honor of the President of Religious Affairs. After the speech of thanks, President of Religious Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Görmez said that this attack is not only to Turkey but to whole Islam ummah. But the prayers of the believers had helped us to defeat this attempt.
The second day of the program, the presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities and Turkish Religious Foundation had been visited and we got information about their activities and programs.
In the evening, the delegation attended to 13th International Youth Gathering which held in the Ministry of Youth and Sports building. Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Efkar Ala and young people from over 60 countries had been participated the program. Young UNIW President Sharif Sarikaya made the opening speech.
Our Secretary General Ali Kurt gave information about young UNIW and its mission. Then the General Secretary of Union of Muslim Scholars and Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Efkan Ala gave their speeches.