
We İnvite Muslims to Unite Against Recklessness of the Zionist Regime
Zionist regime continues with its attacks against Al-Aqsa and all other places in holy Jerusalem in an unlawful and reckless manner. Despite all, Muslim States far from pursuing ummah-oriented policies such as international decision-making mechanisms continue to remain silent.
The failure of Islam World in establishing the alliance they require will only serve towards further deepening and increase of the violence and pressure. Unfortunately, even continuous attacks aimed at Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa- one of our holy values- are not enough to bring the Islam world together!
We invite each individual in the Islam community and Muslim non-profit organizations to initiate a wholehearted and actual reaction against this situation and we call Muslim states to remember their responsibilities. United Nations should immediately act in such an environment where members of one religion destroy and plunder the holy temple of another religion and they should be able to stop Israel, the naughty child of the west.
We can no longer continue to accept soldiers of Israel walk over Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa which is of extreme value for us, considering the historical fact lashing and forcing us further to unite against external threats.
None of us have any doubts that Israel wants to continue these malicious attacks until Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa is destroyed to the ground. Therefore, we should both pray to Allah for protecting this holy temple against reckless enemies of our religion and take all necessary steps to achieve our ultimate goal with a spirit of action by pursuing the orders of holy Qur`an.
Jerusalem and Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa belong to Muslims and they will continue to remain ours.
As Non-Profit Organizations Associations of the Islam World, we call the all civil initiatives in Islam World particularly including 302 member non-profit organizations from 61 countries to display a common stance and take joint actions against these malicious attacks and show the unity that is worthy to our religion Islam.